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Magnolia CMS User Guide


"Assets" are files such as images, PDF, Word or Excel files. You manage these files in the "Assets" area.

Think about a good filing order (folder structure, naming rules). You can also adapt these later. Usually the page structure is taken as a model.

After storing in the Assets section, place assets on a page - either with a download link (Link to DAM document) or as an image.

Upload many assets

To upload a large number of assets, use the function Zip Datei hochladen

Replace assets

You can easily replace existing assets. To do this, open the asset and click the "Upload New File" button in the "Media" field.


VIdeo files should not be stored in Magnolia. The Magnolia server is not well suited for playing videos. See the information in the "Video Player" user guide.


  1. Create a folder structure
  2. Upload files (Example files in the related content of this page)
  3. Publish these files
  4. Create new folders and move assets in there

User Guide

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