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Each page is divided into sections and components, depending on the template used. On opening, the sections and components appear with a light green bar. To edit, click in the bar and then in the Edit icon.
To quickly access the CMS from the live view, append the URL: /edit
In all templates there are the following standard areas:
The actual content is placed in these areas:
These sections contain components. Components are used for specific applications. The most common component is the text/image component.Different templates contain different components.
Components can be copied and inserted elsewhere. When inserting, the corresponding area, e.g. “Content,” must be activated, otherwise the insert command will not appear.
Components can also be moved on a page.
Seite bearbeiten
Komponenten bearbeiten
The possible components can be found in "Templates", individual components in "Components":
Next: Text/Image component
Previous: Move and rename pages