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Magnolia CMS User Guide

Complex scenarios and FAQ

How to handle "too many results"?

There is a restriction on the size of a hit list which, if violated, results in too many results. For Collection 10120, for example, there are 2283 entries in ZORA (as of 8.8.2017). This makes no sense for the reader. It is best to restrict this query to the last two years:

Collection: 10120
Operator: AND
Freie Eingabe: PY=2016-2017

All publications and editorships of an author.

The ZORA component returns the corresponding hits via the Name field.

However, the list may contain unwanted entries. For example, book chapters by other authors may appear here that were published in the edited work of the editor searched for. These entries can be filtered out using the NOT operator and the field Freie Eingabe (each entry in a separate line)

Name: Glauser, Wilhelm
Operator: NOT
Freie Eingabe:

  • AU=Antonini,Kurt (no space between name and first name!)
  • AU=Bählinger,Christoph
  • AU=Bickel,Simone

Such a scenario also raises various new problems because the list of unwanted authors can become very long and one may have to manually update the query more often. On the other hand, such a ZORA query could not be built into our websites at all so far.

Several search values in the 'Freie Eingabe’ (same attribute)

Several search values can be entered in the Freien Eingabe (each in a separate line!). The result from the first three input fields is linked to the combined result from the Freie EIngabe:

ORCID-iD: 0000-0002-8494-6025
Operator: NOT
Freie Eingabe:

  • KW=HIV
  • KW=infection
  • KW=drug
  • KW=hepatitis

As all entries in Freie Eingabe refer to the same attribute KW, they cumulatively contribute to the result.

Several search values in the 'Freien Eingabe’ (different attributes)

Several search values can be entered in the Freien Eingabe (each in a separate line!). The result from the first three input fields is linked to the combined result from the Freie EIngabe:

ORCID-iD: 0000-0002-8494-6025
Operator: AND
Freie Eingabe:

  • TY=book_section

Here the entries refer to different attributes. The individual lines of the 'Freie Eingabe' are AND-linked.

Further example for multiple search values

As above, the result from the first three input fields is combined with the combined result from the Freien Eingabe:

Collection: 10092
Operator: AND
Freie Eingabe:

  • CS=Software
  • CS=Evolution
  • CS=Architecture
  • CS=Lab

Show individual publications (EPID)

Einzelne Publikationen können angezeigt werden. Dazu lässt man die Felder Name, ORCID und Collection leer und gibt in der Freien Eingabe die EPID an:

Individual publications can be displayed. To do this, leave the Name, ORCID and Collection fields empty and enter the EPID in the Freien Eingabe field:

Name: null
Operator: OR
Freie Eingabe:

  • EPID=138132
  • EPID=12345
  • EPID=35678

These inputs cumulatively contribute to the 'Freien Eingabe' result.

This query leads to the following result:

ZORA Publication List

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